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 I don't know why people do despise what's beyond their priority.

Education is the most powerful weapon that one can actually use either to change or equip the world we are into.
Education is very essential because it works with potential called knowledge.
Ones acquired knowledge is similar to education because without knowledge Education can never be possessed.
That means we're in the world of knowledge.
Some said we are in the world of technology but if I'm to ask, can Technology perform without knowledge?
We has difference branches of edition and careers around the world. Some of them can be Science, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Business and Finance, Management, Technology, Health Science, Government and Public Admin, and many more. However, none of the above mentioned can manifest without proper execution of education.
Even if you said "School na Scam", you might not be false, but believe me, you lack the mentality that gives you the signal that this statement comes out of knowledge. Therefore, Knowledge is Education.
You cannot stop what exist before you. Some thinks more about hustling forgotten that without life, there's no hustling.
Please we should not work against what surpasses our authority.
When you start having a dream of failure, simply get up from where you are and change an environment. This really matters.
For example;
__According to a research, The average salary for a Secondary School Teacher in Nigeria is ₦451858 in 2024
__The average secondary school teachers salary in the United Kingdom is £36,928 per year (This worths great millions in Naira)
__The average Teacher Secondary School salary in the United States is $65,395 as of January 26, 2024. (Millions in Naira)
The environment is what matters.
Finally, try to adjust to avoid negative thoughts and mindset. This will further help you to achieve your goals.
School dismissed; Away!
___Chinemelum Kenneth


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