Whenever having challenge in destiny, Brethren kindly stay on this; __God first. Why should you put God in front? Kindly remember that he's the author and finisher of all humans faith. From records, He created and beautifies you with your great and glorious destiny. Therefore, He's the only one that has the full and ultimate resolution to your destiny again. __Be Calm and Courageous. Staying Calm and Courageous will help you to take full proper meditation to where your destiny lies. __Avoid People's Thought. They must say, and they must bring their own thoughts. But to be honest with you, many are there to drag you into confusion with their thoughts. So skip some and believe in yourself and destiny. __Discover Yourself This sounds somehow on your ear, but my dear friend, discovering yourself enables you to know your destiny. By knowing your destiny, you can further achieves your dream. Finally, think high for a Star lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep for every dreams lea...
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