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 Seek value first and men will seek you. Just try and see.

But stop here now.
What's value besides?
Value simply describes the great impact or uniqueness of your life. Do you think great and good men sees you and just get interested in you.
Chaaii, it's a very big NO. Therefore, your value is very important.
Can you even imagine why men gets to settle with ladies in the same or acquiring similar profession with him.
For Example;
__You always want to become a professor and you went and marry a hair dresser, what do you think you will end up becoming.
That hair dresser might not understand much about Education. Therefore, at a certain level of your education journey, my dear, she will look at you and complain and might even stop you if you're not careful.
Men need a lady that has something valuable in common.
Can you please think Big about this.
___Chinemelum Kenneth


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